Sunday 18 December 2011

O Adonai - Your 'Lord' is too small . . .

The 'O Antiphons' are sung according to tradition, during the evening liturgy on the last days of Advent. Each one is a named attribute of The Christ, to whose coming the church looks forward with eager and in these latter days, heightened expectation

O Adonai
Sung by the Dominican student brothers from Blackfriars, Oxford

'Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God the Father'
This is the most succinct statement of Christian faith, all else flows from this confession. Yet for most if not all of us, the overwhelming majesty of this ascription is perhaps seldom experienced. Like 'The Christmas Story', the words 'Jesus Christ is Lord', seem to be so simple and obvious in their import that we miss this revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages. In the same way that water, essential to life is drunk without thinking, these words of LIFE tend to flow through us unregarded.

Over the past few months having moved from my homeland to live and work in New Zealand I have been reflecting on the significance of Roots. This reflection has taken many and varied forms for example, here. Over the last four Sundays I have been reflecting on the necessity of inhabiting the deep wellsprings of the Old Testament Scriptures, for a significantly richer apprehension of 'The Advent of the Lord'. That he comes first to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, that Salvation is only understood in the light of their story.

Each of the Antiphons reminds us of one of the titles given to Christ. Of all of these, 'Lord' (Adonai) is without doubt the most significant and yet like so much at this season of the year, its very familiarity has deafened us to the true significance of the title.

In the early years of my faith, The Thing was a personal relationship with God in Christ Jesus. 'Jesus is Lord,' we were continually reminded, 'but is He Your Lord?' was the almost unvarying supplementary question - as if the former confession hung on the latter. 
I have no recollection of being led to consider that He could only be 'my Lord', by virtue of the far deeper truth that he was Lord of All. The Lordship of Christ was a box to be ticked through the 'simple' act of submission to Him in every part of my life - not a Revelation of The New Created Order, breaking in to time and space in the person of the crucified, risen and ascended Jesus of Nazareth, an order I was asked, nay compelled to enter into by faith.

That He who was in very nature God, descended, taking the form of a slave, was found in appearance as a man, and then humbled himself to death on a cross and descended to the dead, and then was raised from No Thing to the highest place, far above every rule, authority, power or dominion in this age or any other, that he might fill Every Thing in Every Way. The place where the only name that could be given was the name above every Name, LORD.

There is a world of difference I suggest between thinking of Jesus as My Lord - as a sort of heavenly boss with the emphasis seemingly without fail placed on our response to Him - and the breathtaking imagery these New Testament writers used, to describe the majesty of His Name.

We live in an age dominated by many lords, but few who read these words will have much apprehension of the overwhelming dominance of the lords of the time of Jesus, the Caesars, whose very word seemed to be no less than Life or Death. Choosing to Acknowledge Caesar as Lord was not a matter of personal choice or a matter of Will power, it didn't carry with it the remotest possibility for closet pride. Say No! to the lordship of Caesar?? You might as well throw yourself off a cliff. Whether that is because the lords of this age have a smiling face, or because they have a smiling mask, or because they serve Us well enough to see them as friends I cannot say, but 'Lord' does not have any such resonances for us. In a democratic age, even in England Lords have learned to be 'Jolly good fellows'.

Yet even those rulers could not remotely parallel the Lordship of Christ. 
Perhaps we are too well versed in the dualistic 'conflict between Christ and Caesar', we forget
'He that dwelleth in heaven laughs them to scorn, these Kings of the Earth who take counsel together against the LORD and his anointed are held in derision'. 
To remember what 'Jesus Christ is Lord' meant to those first Jewish believers we may not try and imagine Caesar and then notch things up a few degrees. 
To them Casar was as nothing, there was only One who was to be feared
To know the height and breadth and depth and sheer Glory of the title Adonai, we need once more to be reminded that we are only Christian by virtue of the faith of the Jewish people, that we are only grafted in, grafted into a people whose roots go back much further than first century Palestine.

We only may begin to dare to say He is my Lord because he is first of all Their LORD - a people formed by the Saving act of God and Sinai Covenant - the Strange God who chose to appear in a burning bush to Moses - and not long afterwards passed before him declaring His Name

. . . the one who fills every thing in every way - before Him all the world's 'Caesars' are as Nothing

He is LORD

O Adonai, and leader of the House of Israel, 
who appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush
and gave him the law on Sinai: 
Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm. 
O Come, O Come Emmanuel

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